The Magic of 4 AM

Foreword. Before we start, it should be noted that I am not what one would call a “morning person”. Perhaps ideologically and ideally I am, but biologically I am decidedly not. My (current) tendency towards a late start to sleep makes it a losing battle. Maybe someday I can join the ranks of those chosen grindset warriors who can get up at 5 everyday, but that day is not today. Anyway, all of this is to say that this won’t be a “I wake up early and get shit done” flex....

June 14, 2022

First Post

This is it, the maiden voyage of the blog/site/whatever this is. I got an itch to finally do something with one of the many ill-advised domains I’ve had racking up yearly charges on my credit card, and I’ve been wanting to pick up one of these static site generators for a bit too. The perfect storm to reach this particular point and branch in the timeline. I imagine that there are two parallel universes, one in which I don’t make this and one in which I do, and I have to apologize for putting you into the second (and likely worse) of the two....

April 26, 2022 · JP Ramassini